Hot Business & Money How-Tos

How To: Use a memorandum of understanding

A memorandum of understanding, or letter of intent, is used as a document that shows an understanding between parties. Although it can be used as a sort of contract, it needs to meet certain standards and wording. This MoU, as it's also referred to, is used amongst businesses and governments agencies. So if you need to figure out how to use a memorandum of understanding, this tutorial will tell you more about it. Good luck, pay attention, and enjoy!

How To: Write a quick memorandum of understanding for work

If you're looking to write a memorandum of understanding, this tutorial should be a big help. If you don't know what one is, it;s basically some form of an agreement between two parties that doesn't really imply any kind of legal commitment. It can be used as a contract in certain cases. This is sometimes referred to as a letter of intent. So if this is what you need, check out the video above to find otu exactly what you need to write one. Good luck!

How To: Improve the performance of an underperforming employee

One of the trickiest parts of being a boss is handling an employee who isn't performing up to their potential. This video features tips from a business consultant on how to handle these situations, focusing on having a conversation with the employee about their performance, handling the situation calmly and effectively. Hopefully, if you follow these tips, then you won't have to take the unwelcome step of firing the employee.

How To: Deal with an overbearing, domineering employee

Sometimes, the most talented people can be the hardest to deal with because of their tendency to dominate the situations that they are involved in. This video features an executive coach outlining strategies for managers to deal with overbearing, domineering employees in a way that utilizes their talents while keeping them from impinging on the productivity of the rest of your team.

How To: Utilize iPhone "freemium" strategies to profit

With the spread of smartphones and free online games, the "Freemium" model of product distribution and monetization has become prevalent over the last several years. At it's essence, it is handing out software products for free and then allowing customers to pay for in-software services using microtransactions. This video features some businessmen who do business in iPhone apps discussing how they use "Freemium" systems in their apps to make the most money possible while providing great servi...

How To: Approach innovation practically at work

Innovation is a lightning bolt that every company would like to bottle. Doing so in a corporate environment is nearly impossible. This video features a business expert outlining some tips for managing innovation and innovative ideas in your business, nurturing those ideas into profitable new services or products that your business can offer. It includes defining roles for different people involved in the innovation process and what steps to take in the innovation process.

How To: Deal with an attention hogging employee at work

Assigning rewards and punishments in a group-oriented workplace is a tricky business, as either one is very dangerous when misplaced. This video features an executive coach explaining how managers can deal with an employee who tries to take all of the credit for the work that their work does erroneously. It advises you to analyze why the employee feels like they have to take all the credit and also to create a system that does not reward such behavior.

How To: Provide great customer service to your customers

In a bad economic environment, providing a great customer service experience is even more important than normal. Word of that great experience will spread via Twitter and Youtube, helping your business attract buzz without requiring it to spend cash on marketing. This video features a business technology expert explaining how to create a "wow" experience for your customers and use the ability to do so to improve your business.

How To: Improve your company's customer service

If you own your own business, no matter how efficient it is, you probably field complaints from customers. Dealing with these complaints, and using the information therein to improve your company, can be stressful and challenging. This video features a business expert outlining some simple advice for ways that you can improve the efficiency of you customer support process.

How To: Define a business model and use it to improve business

Having cohesive vision for your business and sticking to it is one of the most important parts of growing a successful business. This video features small business owners describing how they were able to develop their businesses by having the vision to focus on profitable aspects of said businesses. This has allowed each of them to flourish as entrepreneurs.

How To: Understand financial statements to improve business

Do you own a small business, but find yourself unable to understand the intricacies of your financial statements? You are not alone. This video features a small business coach explaining some of the intricacies of financial statements. The tips provided here should help you better understand your financial statements and use the information gleaned therein to improve the profitability of your business.

How To: Make money on Twitter

This might sound like a bunch of baloney, but there are ways to make money using different social networking websites like Twitter and Facebook. Although you can't directly make money by tweeting something or commenting on a video, but there are ways to help attract attention to a song or video that can be purchased by people. So in this tutorial, you'll find out how to make money using some helpful tips, on Twitter. Enjoy!

How To: Write an effective letter of recommendation

Letters of recommendation are important in the business world. If you have been asked to write about a coworker, student or friend, check out this tutorial. Takes you through a step-by-step process you can use to produce a professional-looking and highly effective letter of recommendation. Includes how to structure your letter, how to personalize it for your candidate, and how to make it convincing to the recipient.

How To: Negotiate your salary the right way

Congratulations, you've landed the job! But you have no idea how much you're going to make, or what sort of offer you're getting. Watch this video as Brad Karsh walks you through each step of negotiation, even before you get into the interview. Do your research, and make sure you'll be getting paid what you deserve.

How To: Write a bid letter for a job

Do you think you're well in your business venture but you can't get clients and don't know why? Perhaps the issue isn't in your work itself, but how you present it. Knowing how to write a great bid letter is a valuable weapon in that cutthroat business world. This video from Freelance Writing will show you how to write a bid letter for a job.

How To: Explain your biggest achievement in a job interview

Denham Resources illustrates some common mistakes that people make when answering a common and infamous job interview question: what is your biggest achievement? Rather than simply listing tips for answering the question, they use footage of a woman answering it poorly and highlight the mistakes that she makes as she goes along. He interview is deemed "the bad". In the follow-up video, deemed "the ugly," another video of an applicant illustrates just about the worst possible way to answer thi...

How To: Properly write business e-mails

Now, more than ever, many companies rely on using emails to send bits of information around faster than normal. Not only does it save paper, but allows work to get done faster than it ever has. But, if you don't know how to write a proper business email, it can be tricky. That's why this tutorial will show you how to write them so you don't have to worry about a lack of professionalism. Enjoy!

How To: Use a focus group for new brand name candidates

Focus groups strike fear into the hearts of even the most season marketer, and with good reason. In a world where everything is subject to change based on public opinion, from movie endings, to popcorn flavors, to logo colors, focus groups can make or break a new idea, but it doesn't have to be that way. A focus group is just a way to gather opinions in a vigorous way and can be very useful. Watch this video tutorial to use a focus group to develop and test a new brand name or corporate ident...

How To: Evaluate a new product, service, or company name

Chances are, if you're a branding or marketing professional, you've been tasked to come up with a new name for a product, a service, or maybe even a company at some point in your career. Maybe you're trying to come up with a new brand name right now. Well, there are objective measurements for choosing new names, and if you need help figuring these out, watch this video tutorial to learn how to develop a new product or company name that will stand out among your competitors, presented by namin...

How To: Write your own business plan

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to write their own business plan. This video provides several options for viewers to decide from to write a business plan. Users may choose to purchase a business plan software for $50-$65, take a business plan course for $75-$500 or hire a consultant for $1000,-$5000. Business course plans are usually located at college campuses. It is not recommended to hire a consultant as it is very expensive and you will ne the one giving the consultant the infor...

How To: Start an online clothing company

This video discusses the basic steps necessary to start an online business. The first thing you need is a name for your business. Keep it simple, easy to spell and remember. Once you have your name, register it with the government. Next, find a good hosting company for your website. He recommends Also a good web designer is a necessity. They will meet with you to discuss your ideas, and your website should be ready in about a week.

How To: Keep your identity safe from thieves

In this video, presented by the experts at the St. Louis Community Credit Union, learn how to prevent thieves from stealing your identity or account information. These days, between paper bills, Internet banking, social networking and all the other ways we interact, there are many ways for crooks to get into our private lives.

How To: Prevent identity theft and know how thieves work

In this video from the ID Theft Center, learn exactly what identity theft is and how to prevent it from happening to you. Identity theft can happen to anyone - young, old, living, dead - thieves do not discriminate. This helpful video will tell you exactly what to look out for and how to avoid scams. Your host will explain how identity thieves operate and how to cut them off at the pass.

How To: Read a balance sheet in accounting

In this Business & Money video tutorial you will learn how to read a balance sheet in accounting. Yu can learn to read it quickly and easily as to where the company’s came from, where it went and where it is now. There are four main financial statements; balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements and statements of shareholder equity. In the balance sheet, under assets are listed things that the company owns that have value. Liabilities are amounts of money company owes to other...

How To: Become a flight medic

Are you interested in flight medicine? Taking care and transporting critical care patients to and from the sight of their injury to the hospital? In this video, learn from the President of the National Flight Medic Association, Jason Hums MPH what it takes to become a flight medic: what to do after schooling to prep, how to compiete for the job in this highly competitive field, and what wesbites to ceck out for more information.

How To: Apply online for Social Security retirement benefits

When you decide its time to retire, you will most likely need to cash in your Social Security benefits. In this official two part tutorial, presented by the American Social Secuity Administration, learn exactly how to use their website and apply online. Applying online is very easy, and takes a lot less time than applying in person. By applying online for social security, you will bypass all of the long lines and waiting that usually happens in one of the offices. Plus, you won't ever have to...

How To: Effectively negotiate with your credit card company

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to negotiate with a credit card company. There are 3 main items that users can negotiate. The first item is the date of payment. Users are able arrange a more convenient date for payment. The second item is the annual fee. Users are able to work out a way to not have to pay an annual fee for using a credit card, which will help save money. The third item is the interest rate. Users can negotiate and try to lower the interest rate that they must pay. T...

How To: Start your own business & build your brand

Johnny Cupcakes teaches viewers how to start their own business and build up their own brand! You should create an interesting atmosphere for your customers! Find your niche and your theme and go for it! Your store and niche may evolve, and that's okay, it will happen! As your brand grows, you will be able to hire more people and expand. The best idea for your brand and longevity is to make sure you do not sell out to larger corporations or groups. By doing this you will increase your longevi...

How To: Improve your credit score, even in a recession

Now more than ever, people everywhere are suffering from bad credit. Credit is important. You need it to take out loans, buy a house, rent an apartment, get a car, almost anything! Check out this two part video, presented by Daniel Medina from United Credit Education Services, and listen along as he offers you tips on how to improve your credit - even in a recession. This helpful and informative video can start you on the right track to financial stability, no matter what the circumstances.

How To: Write a resume in the table format

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how write a resume in the table format. A table formatted resume is one of the most effective formats. It highlights metrics in a particular field that potential employers are looking for in a presentable quick overview. At the top of the table, provide your name, contact information and location. In the table, list your skill, experience, role and products from each of your previous jobs and experiences. This video will benefit those viewers who are sear...